What should be paid attention to in the installation of box-type substations
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The correct installation of the box-type transformer is the key to the correct use of the equipment in the subsequent process. Following the operation instructions can avoid vague failures due to improper installation during use, and reduce the frequency of downtime for maintenance.

1、The box transformer is mainly composed of natural wind and circulating cooling. Therefore, there should be no illegal stacking around it, especially the transformer room door should not be blocked, and the shutters should be regularly removed for ventilation and the attachments on the sub-holes to ensure that all electrical equipment does not exceed the allowable temperature.

2、The floor of the box-type substation should be placed in a higher place, not in a low-lying place, so as to avoid rainwater pouring into the box and affecting the operation of the equipment.

3、Zinc oxide arresters should be installed in the high-voltage distribution room of box-type transformers, and the installation method should be convenient for testing and disassembly and replacement.

4、The box door of the box-type substation should be opened outward, and there should be handles, secret doors and locks, and the secret doors and locks should be rust-proof

5、The noise level of the box-type substation shall not be greater than the specified noise level of the transformer. Regardless of whether the box shell is made of metal or non-metallic materials, the metal frame of the box body should be well grounded, with grounding terminals, and marked with a grounding symbol


The transformer room should be dominated by natural ventilation, and the relationship between the temperature in the box and the output of the transformer should be given. The transformer room can be equipped with room temperature monitoring devices and self-starting ventilation and cooling devices as required to ensure that the transformer is under the specified environmental conditions.

run at full capacity. The transformer should be accessible from the top of the box or from the side doors.

7、The grounding and neutral line of the box-type substation share a grounding grid. The grounding grid is generally grounded at the four corners of the foundation, and then connected into one. The box-type substation and the grounding grid need to have two reliable connections. During the installation process of the box-type substation, attention should be paid to selecting the appropriate location and avoiding damage to the equipment caused by the external environment, which can prolong its service life, improve work efficiency, and bring better benefits to the enterprise.

Updated:2022-07-02 | Back to list