Promote the comprehensive upgrade of traditional power grid to smart grid
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At present, a new round of energy revolution is booming around the world, and the global energy pattern is undergoing major and profound changes. The focus of this round of world energy transformation is new energy, and the direction of the transformation is to promote the strategic transformation of energy development, adjust the energy structure, improve energy efficiency, and implement energy substitution. In recent years, China has developed rapidly in new energy grid integration, intelligent power distribution and consumption, electric vehicles and the implementation of electric energy substitution. The overall technical level has been continuously improved, which has promoted the innovation and development of the power grid and achieved remarkable achievements.

One is to promote the large-scale application of new energy. Accelerating the development of new energy and gradually reducing the dependence on fossil energy is an inevitable choice for mankind to cope with the increasingly prominent energy crisis and environmental crisis and achieve sustainable development.

In 2015, the newly installed capacity of wind power and solar power in China reached new highs. For the fourth consecutive year, the installed capacity of wind power ranked first in the world. For the first time, the installed photovoltaic capacity surpassed Germany to become the first in the world. It has played an important role in the optimization of energy structure and the transformation of green development. It has become a new milestone in the history of China's new energy development.

As of June this year, the grid-connected capacity of my country's wind power has reached 137 million kilowatts, and the grid-connected capacity of Dayang Energy has reached 63.04 million kilowatts. It is estimated that by 2020, the grid-connected capacity of China's wind power will reach 250 million kilowatts, and the grid-connected capacity of large solar power generation will reach 150 million kilowatts.

The second is to build an intelligent distribution network that meets the diverse requirements of users. Open, interactive and active self-healing smart power distribution is an important part of smart grid construction, and an important platform for realizing reliable power supply for users, optimal allocation of energy resources, two-way interaction between users, and innovative service models.

In recent years, China has continuously increased investment in the construction of distribution networks, established a technical standard system, accelerated the application of information integration, and achieved remarkable results in the construction of intelligent distribution networks. The power supply capacity has been greatly improved, and the quality of power supply has continued to improve. The average power failure time of users in the urban core area is less than 5 minutes, and the reliability rate of power supply is at the international leading level.

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, my country's distribution network construction plans to invest 1.7 trillion yuan. It is estimated that in 2020, the reliability rate of power supply in central cities across the country will reach 99.99%, and the average annual power outage time for users will not exceed 1 hour. The reliability rate of power supply in other urban areas It will reach 99.88%, and the average annual power outage time of users will not exceed 10 hours, ensuring the rapid economic and social development of the region.

The third is to promote the rapid development of electric vehicles. In recent years, the Chinese government has attached great importance to the development of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, and power grid companies have also actively carried out the construction of charging facilities and the formulation of standards to continuously improve the operation level of charging facilities.

By the end of 2015, 3,600 charging and swapping stations and 49,000 public charging piles had been built across the country, and nearly 400 fast charging stations had been built on 8 expressways including Beijing-Shanghai, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao, and Qingyin, making it the world's largest electric vehicle public vehicle. The fast charging network realizes the development of charging and swapping facilities from point to surface and from city to intercity. It is estimated that in 2020, my country will build 12,000 centralized charging and swapping stations and 4.8 million decentralized electric piles, so as to meet the charging needs of 5 million new energy vehicles.

Fourth, vigorously promote the replacement of electric energy. The increasing proportion of electric energy in final energy consumption is an important trend in global energy development. With the major breakthroughs in new materials, energy storage, batteries and other technologies, in the future, except for a few fields, most of the terminal energy consumption can be replaced by electric energy.

Updated:2022-07-02 | Back to list